Thursday, March 31, 2011 Dreamweaver CS5 Managing CSS | 828 MB Dreamweaver CS5 Managing CSS | 828 MB
Genre: eLearning

Dreamweaver CS5: Managing CSS with senior author James Williamson shows how to create cascading style sheets that are efficient, reusable, and easy to navigate. In this course, James shares tips on how to find and use panels and tools, and how to deploy style sheets to screen, print, and mobile environments. Course topics include creating customized starter pages, learning to rapidly hand-code CSS through using Snippets, and using Dreamweaver’s CSS preferences to deploy lightweight styles. Exercise files are included with the course.

Topics include:

* Building a CSS-friendly workspace in Dreamweaver
* Creating style sheets visually
* Hand-coding styles
* Working with code hinting
* Organizing style sheets with color coding and sections
* Writing global classes
* Eliminating style conflicts
* Deploying styles
* Dealing with browser compatibility issues

Lynda - Creating a First Web Site with Dreamweaver CS5 (Exercise files included)

Lynda - Creating a First Web Site with Dreamweaver CS5 (Exercise files included)
Author: Paul Trani | Duration (hr:min): 2:18 | Released on: 5/11/2010 | 372.01 MB
Genre: Video training

Creating a First Web Site with Dreamweaver CS5 demonstrates how to establish a presence online using the industry-leading Web authoring tool, Adobe Dreamweaver CS5. Adobe Certified Instructor Paul Trani walks through the steps in creating an accessible, standards-based site from start to finish. This course covers how to create basic Web pages, add text and image content, implement a photo gallery, create a contact form, and use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to add visual appeal and layout control. The course also covers how to test a site across multiple browsers and operating systems using BrowserLab, available exclusively in Dreamweaver CS5. Exercise files accompany the course.

Topics include:

* Understanding Internet and Web site principles
* Adding content to a Web page
* Linking to Web sites and e-mail addresses
* Styling content with CSS
* Exploring Dreamweaver’s pre-built layouts
* Inserting images
* Adding SWF content
* Uploading and testing a Web site

Lynda.Com: Dreamweaver CS5 New Features

Lynda.Com: Dreamweaver CS5 New Features
Released on: 4/12/2010 | Duration: 01hr:33min | Size: 722.43 MB

Join senior staff author James Williamson for an introduction to the latest features and enhancements to Adobe's web design and development software. Dreamweaver CS5 New Features covers the improved CSS workflows of CSS Enable and CSS Inspect, integrated services with CS Live, and the program's support of popular content management system (CMS) frameworks such as Drupal, Joomla!, and WordPress. Exercise files are included with the course.
Topics include:

* Comparing Dreamweaver CS4 and CS5
* Setting up a new web site using the enhanced Site Setup dialog
* Browser Lab integration
* Working with CMS frameworks
* Using the Adobe Widget Browser
* PHP and site-specific code hinting
* Navigating in Live View

Course name:
Dreamweaver CS5 New Features

James Williamson
Duration (hr:min):
Released on:
4/12/2010 Dreamweaver CS5 and WordPress 3.0

Lynda com Dreamweaver CS5 and WordPress 3.0 | 882.44 MB
Author: Joseph Lowery

In Dreamweaver CS5 and WordPress 3.0, author Joseph Lowery shows how to create web sites using WordPress and Dreamweaver together.
This course demonstrates workflow best practices and techniques, including installation and set up, how to create content, work with WordPress themes, customize CSS, and add widgets. It also covers how to extend WordPress pages, add Spry elements, add and customize plug-ins, integrate WordPress-stored data in Dreamweaver dynamic pages, and how to administer and publish a WordPress site.
Exercise files are included with the course.

Topics include:
Installing MAMP on Macintosh and WAMP on Windows
Using the Dynamically-Related Files feature in Dreamweaver to track WordPress pages
Applying WordPress themes
Customizing themes
Adding Spry widgets
Integrating a web gallery into an existing site
Adding WordPress dynamic data
Populating the WordPress database
Publishing a WordPress site