Friday, February 18, 2011

Lynda - YouTube Essential Training with Jason Osder

Lynda - YouTube Essential Training with Jason Osder
Released: 1/25/2011 | Duration: 1:58 | 10 topics + Exercise files | 400MB
Genre: Video training
YouTube is a revolutionary video-sharing platform that has facilitated broadcasts of user-generated content—hundreds of thousands of videos are uploaded every day. In YouTube Essential Training, author Jason Osder explores all the key concepts and techniques necessary to thrive on the site, including viewing, uploading, sharing, and tracking videos. The course covers building an account, sharing with social networks, and the fundamentals of shooting and editing film for a YouTube audience, as well as tips for creating a brand, removing compression artifacts, and analyzing video performance. Exercise files accompany the course.

Topics include:

* Searching and viewing videos
* Creating an account and uploading videos
* Exporting and compressing
* Embedding content
* Creating a customized video channel
* Authoring a video blog
* Sharing content via Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks
* Tracking views, audience demographics, and viewership interest
* Replacing audio content with AudioSwap tracks
* Including closed captions and custom annotations After Effects CS5: Creating Motion Graphics After Effects CS5: Creating Motion Graphic-QUASAR | 2.11 GB

Genre: eLearning
After Effects CS5: Creating Motion Graphics with Ian Robinson covers some of the core principles used to create motion graphics, breaking them down into smaller groups of applied techniques in After Effects. The course explores everything from gathering inspiration to integrating traditional typography, transitional elements, animated textures, color, and more into motion graphics. Instructions for building a toolkit with templates and a style guide for future projects are also included. Exercise files accompany the course.

Topics include:
•Converting type from Photoshop and Illustrator
•Creating shapes from text
•Using markers in animation
•Editing techniques for graphics
•Using type presets
•Animating type
•Exploring color correction tools
•Building animated textures
•Creating custom vignettes
•Understanding Lights and Material settings
•Adding dynamic transitions
•Rigging cameras for animation
•Working efficiently in 3D space - CINEMA 4D R12 Essential Training - CINEMA 4D R12 Essential Training
Exercise files incl. | 1.69Gb

CINEMA 4D R12 Essential Training with Rob Garrott introduces artists to the CINEMA 4D workflow, using CINEMA 4D as an important part of a toolset that includes Adobe After Effects, Photoshop, and Illustrator. The course explains the key foundational concepts, such as polygons, textures, and rays, that are crucial to understanding exactly how this 3D application functions. It also includes practical techniques for creating, selecting, and transforming objects, working with splines, polygonal modeling, and adding materials, lighting, and camera views for a fully realized 3D image. Exercise files are included with the course.

Topics include:
* Exploring the importance of object hierarchy
* Modeling with splines
* Modeling with the Knife and Extrude tools
* Applying materials and texturing
* Creating and manipulating light sources
* Animating in the timeline with keyframes
* Controlling camera movement
* Compositing in After Effects
* Texturing with BodyPaint
* Using XPresso and MoGraph
* Creating particle systems
* Rendering and adjusting final render settings